100M Mask Mayday Studio Program

Joanna Peña-Bickley
4 min readMay 3, 2020


Seven weeks ago if you had asked me what I’d be doing today, I would have had a very different answer. It would have gone like this…

Working with Designed By Us and The Design Corps, we hope to recruit 2500 S.T.E.A.M.D. apprentices and members from across the world to take on public service design and civic tech projects that will make the world work for 100% of humanity.

May Day 2020: The world changed. We are sheltered in place and determined to make a difference in our world. As designers, makers and creators from Madison Avenue, Silicon Valley and big global consultancies began getting laid off, furloughed from consulting firms, creative studios and freelance gigs, designedbyus.org began receiving 500+ Design Corps applications a day.

Partnered with NGOs, academic institutions and a distinguished board of S.T.E.A.M.D. leaders we opened up 3 studio programs:

The Design Corps Was Made For This Moment

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we marshalled The Design Corps to stand up remote studios, 3D print farms and wearables labs in Hawaii, California, Texas and New York to work produce high quality personal protection equipment (PPE), ventilators and logistics systems.

100M Mask Mayday Design Corps Members

Using the Centers for Disease Control specifications, an open source brief, first-rate materials and an army of researchers, designers and creators, we began crafting masks and face shields. I could not be more proud of the Design Corps apprentices and members whose passion, creativity, skills and unrelenting bias for action is defining civic tech and public service design in action.

A Sustainable Business Model

In the face of financial uncertainty, when people are standing in breadlines, we developed a social-benefit business model that ensures every mask designer and maker in the Design Corps are compensated for their contributions. Learn More > If you, or someone you know is making masks and needs income, enlist in The Design Corps.

Purchase 1 Mask, We Donate 2

The PPE Marketplace is live at store.designedbyus.org. When you purchase a mask, we donate 2 masks to healthcare providers, nursing homes, women shelters and essential workers on the front lines in the Women’s, LatinX, Black, Indigenous, LGBTQ+, Aging, Disabled and Veteran communities in all 50 states. To date we have printed, sewn and delivered 3,204 masks and face shields. We have 99,996,796 more to go! Help us make the goal. Visit PPE Marketplace:

Making The World Work for 100% of Humanity

With an unrelenting bias for action, last week we launched a 100M Mask Mayday PPE Request System and delivery logistics that enables healthcare providers, nursing homes, women’s and homeless shelters to request PPE for their locations. Our voice design teams are working around the clock to extend the PPE Request System as skill on Alexa devices.

The response has been overwhelmingly positive. I am personally asking you to join in the fight against COVID19.

Make A Donation & Design The Change

Demand for PPE, secure portable ventilators and local logistics systems continues to grow in impoverished and underinvested communities. Now more than ever we need your help to fulfill that demand.

So I am asking you to help DesignedByUs.org in the following ways:

Donate Your Social Capital

Use your social media following to get the word out about the #100MMaskMayday Studio Program and PPE Marketplace. We have made it simple. Copy, paste, tweet, post and share:

We believe everyone deserves protection. 3,204 masks & face shields sewn, printed & delivered. 99,996,796 more to go! Help us reach our goal. Purchase 1 Mask, @DesignedBy_Us donates 2. https://rb.gy/jgy76p | #PPE #DesignCorps #100MMaskMayday #LearnThroughMaking #Masks4All

Support the @DesignedBy_Us #100MMaskMayday Studio Program. Equal the playing field for diverse inventors. Make a donation Today https://rb.gy/ztaitc | #PPEShortage #DesignCorps #100MMaskMayday #LearnThroughMaking #Masks4All

Help @DesignedBy_Us power under represented communities working in #STEAMD Studio Programs like the #100MMaskMayday. Make a donation Today https://rb.gy/ipejgx | #PPEShortage #DesignCorps #100MMaskMayday #LearnThroughMaking #Masks4All

I stand with @DesignedBy_Us and underrepresented communities working on the #100MMaskMayday #STEAMD Studio Program. Stand with us, make a donation today https://rb.gy/ipejgx | #PPEShortage #DesignCorps #100MMaskMayday #LearnThroughMaking #Masks4All

#100MMaskMayday😷 We Need Your Help! Donate equipment, materials, media or money to the #100MMaskMayday #STEAMD Studio Program. Join our fight and make a donation today https://rb.gy/ipejgx | #PPEShortage #DesignCorps #LearnThroughMaking #Masks4All

Donate Equipment, Materials & Media

Join companies like Sheets & Giggles, Substance Studios, Joann Fabrics, Shopify, Brother, ColorFab and HatchBox who have powered our studio programs with equipment, material and media donations. | Make a equipment, materials or media donation

Sponsor The 100M Mask Mayday Studio Program

Join the generous brands, companies, academic, community organizations and caring humans supporting the Design Corps S.T.E.A.M.D. apprenticeship and member programs. | Sponsor the 100M Mask Mayday Studio

Remember, We Are In This Together

I look forward to working with you to reach our collective goals. Every action, donation and media mention gets us closer to ensuring every human has protection. Help me design the future we want to live today.

Joanna Peña-Bickley
Co-Founder, Distinguished Designer



Joanna Peña-Bickley
Joanna Peña-Bickley

Written by Joanna Peña-Bickley

Artist, Activist, Inventor, Designer of intelligent things that are useful, usable and magical. | https://joannapenabickley.com/

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